Community Art

Last winter I started bringing my art out into the community more. I now feel a bit more confident sharing what I know about natural paints and inks, and have accumulated enough material to bring along for show and tell and play. Gratefully, I was a recipient of an Alachua County Art Tag Mini Grant….

worm theory

My friend Jesse shared this poem with me and I just absolutely love it! Since reading it, I’ve been daydreaming about painting worms, compost magic, mycelium, decay and renewal soaked in ecstasy of simple but vital things – in a world often unseen or appreciated by most of us. Feeding the Worms by Danusha Laméris…

part 3: painting with plants

What artists really like to do is play! I’ve been playing with plants which isn’t unusual, but this time I’m trying to turn them into paint!

part 2: the farm & kitchen

Highlights from the farm and kitchen at Oak Spring Garden Foundation where my 5 week artist in residency program is located.